We provide free HR coaching, mentoring and training workshops for entrepreneurs and Startups in our local communities (Iran & Germany). Our aim is to empower individuals, entrepreneurs and Startups to improve their HR knowledge to have better understandings of people. We believe that location, race, religion or others don’t have to be barriers to local empowerment and it would lead to the sustainable economy for all. We have cooperated in:
- Organizing serial events about Discrimination and Harassment in workplace for the first time in Iran to break the taboo against culture of silence (Wirtschaftsjunioren Iran & HRMeetup4)
- Establishing HRMeetup to growth local Startup ecosystem
- Free HR coaching and mentoring services for Startups
- Free HR workshop to improve HR knowledge among entrepreneurs
- Free Personal Empowerment Coaching for people who was affected by terror attacks in Tehran (Link)
- Low enrollment fee workshops and donate all the earnings to local charities
- Sharing our last HR findings and tips on local media to share our knowledge